Wednesday, February 16, 2005

A clear Human Rights violation

What a charming evening we had last night. Sam decided that he required a snack at 2:30 in the morning, then he decided that perhaps sleep was not a priority for him at that time. Anyway, he finally falls asleep at 4:30. "Thank God," I thought, "We can still get some shuteye in before dawn."

5:00 -- a volley of firecrackers goes off outside our window, lasting about a minute, followed by (I´m not making this up) an out-of-tune mariachi BRASS BAND, featuring an out-of-tune singer (the accordian player wasn't bad, though). I ask Gab: "What the HELL is THAT?" and she informs me that it's someone's birthday. They entertained us at least until 6, and we passed out until about 7:30, when Sam announced the day's arrival.

Charming, but irritating.


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