Friday, March 11, 2005

Home Alone

Gab's away for 5 days on a pleasure trip to mid-winter Winnipeg, leaving Pat & the boy to fend for themselves.

Will they make it?

Who will get voted off first?

Will Pat get by on his grade 2 Spanish? Or Sam on his grade 3 Spanish?

Will they wander by accident (or maybe on purpose?) into the anti-free trade riots that are currently gripping the city?

Follow their wacky adventures and high-jinks every week, Thursdays, right after "Seinfeld".


Blogger Renee said...

Umm - hate to tell you this but Seinfeld hasn't been on Thursdays for a few years now....

will stay tuned regardless

12:56 PM  
Blogger GT said...

Damn, they cancelled it? That was a good show!

Stupid networks.

6:39 PM  

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