Saturday, March 12, 2005

Celebrity weighs heavily on me - Part 2

Well, this is just going a little too far. Today Enrique (Gab's Dad), me, and Sam took a little day trip to Santa Lucia, a nice little town in the lowlands not far from the Pacific coast (Guatemala City is in the highlands). As far as I can see, the area is one big sugar cane production centre, and the air is heavy with the slightly sickly-sweet smell of cut sugar cane. It is a beautiful area, though.

But that's not what this story is about.

On the way back we stop in at a restaurant for some local food; Sam, by then, was getting tired and a bit cranky. Sam, part way through the meal, starts making eyes with a little girl (9? 10?), smiling, cocking his head. She plays with him for a while at a distance, then shyly comes over and asks if her sister could hold Sam. "Um, sure, knock yourself out" I thought and instantly judging them to be trustworthy, and turned to enjoy my steak.

Well, not 5 minutes later I hear squeals and giggles of delight, and turn to see Sam whooping it up with a gaggle of local babes. Sam was smiling, laughing, displaying his dimples, cocking his head, looking deeply into their eyes while sucking on jar caps. I have never seen such shameful flirting in my life. It made me both embarrassed to see such a display, and extremely envious at how effective it was.

I enclose a photo of Sam and his posse.

Currently, Sam is fast asleep at the end of an exciting day. I don't even want to guess what he is dreaming about.


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