Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Home Alone - Epilogue

Well, Gab returned well-rested and refreshed from her break in Winnipeg. She's now ready to face the hardships of tropical life once again.

So how did Sam & I fare without her? Well, let's review the last 5 days:
  • We made friends with a guy who hangs around the corner drug store with a shotgun. His name is "José Gabriel"
  • We listened to the sounds of anti-free trade protests in the distance (the protests were country-wide and two were killed at a blockade in another province. The agreement was ratified by parliament by a margin of 10-to-1).
  • We learned how to put items into containers and then (this is the really exciting part) take them out again! Well, one of us did, anyway.
  • We swam in the pool of and ate ceviche (a future word of the day) with the runner-up in the last Presidential election
  • As we were enjoying a sunny day under tropical flowers, one of us put a flower into their mouth. The other frantically tried to get it out, but wasn't sure if he was completely successful. We then rushed home and did a frantic Google-search on "Magnolia poisonous" (I think it was a magnolia—at least, it looked like the flower on the cover of the "Magnolia" soundtrack, that's how much I know about flowers). To his horror, it was classified as "poisonous", but only because it occasionally caused "headaches and depression". We considered that to be something less than an emergency & subsequently ignored it.
  • We seduced, at last count, 5 waitresses, 2 old ladies in the street, a mother-daughter pair on the roof of our apartment building, and a handful of girls in the central square of Santa Lucia. Well, one of us did, anyway.
  • We dipped our toes in the tropical Pacific—a first for both of us
  • We grew 2 more teeth!

And so Gab came back Sunday to find us both deeply, deeply impressed by those who manage to raise young children alone as single parents. How the heck do people do it?


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