Sunday, April 10, 2005

A Scene at the Zoo - Part 2

Strangely enough, today's paper has a special report on the zoo and the surrounding areas. Included in this report is a short history, which I pass along with some more photos.

The park was established in 1894 by then-president José María Reyna Barrios, who had a design for a "new city" based on Paris. (It seems everything was based on Paris back then—Merida in Mexico also had the Paris thang going for it. Nowadays, the urban template seems to be middle-America strip malls. How we've progressed.)

Anyhow, once Reyna Barrios died, the area got pared down by subsequent Presidents who I guess weren't that hot on Paris. Much of it got converted into the charming Guatemala City airport. Still, the zoo remains.

Some photos.

The one he forgot to feed

Beware the pediatricians: they bite


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