Saturday, April 02, 2005

So this guy walks into a barber shop...

I swear this is a true story.

Not bad, and the fully armed personal security was thrown in gratis
Today I walked into a barber shop with Gab's Dad to get a cut. The shop was (of all things) a "Internet Barber", so you could surf OR get a haircut. Or both.

Anyway, the place was at the back of a building with other stores in the front. While we're waiting for a chair to become available, I hear an engine revving, and this guy drives his motorcycle through the front door, inside the building, down the hallway past the other shops, to the front of the barbershop.

He parks the bike in the hall, gets off, walks into the shop, opens a drawer in the barber's counter under the mirrors, reaches into his pants, pulls out a handgun, puts it in the drawer, closes the drawer, picks up some scissors, swivels the barber chair around, turns to us and says "y'want a cut?"


Blogger Laura F. said...

That was a close shave!

12:41 AM  
Blogger GT said...

Laura--don't you know it's bad blog form for the comment to be wittier than the original posting? Shame!

9:26 PM  

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